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St Apollinaris of Ravenna

I know that St. Apollinaris’ feast day is on July 20, however he is a very interesting saint. Therefore, today we will learn about St. Apollinaris

St. Peter had actually sent St. Apollinaris to Ravenna, Italy, as its first bishop. St. Apollinaris’ preaching of the Good News was very exquisite therefore it was very successful that many pagans there decided to beat him and drive him out of the city. However, he later decided to return and he was exiled a second time. After preaching in the area surrounding Ravenna, he had decided to enter the city again. After being cruelly tortured, he was put on a ship which was heading to Greece. The pagans there had caused him to be expelled to Italy, where he went to Ravenna again for a fourth time. St. Apollinaris later died from wounds that he had received during a savage beating at Classis, which is a suburb of Ravenna. A very beautiful basilica honoring him was later built there during the sixth century. St. Apollinaris’ feast day is celebrated on July 20.

Prayer to St. Apollinaris

St. Apollinaris you showed during your life that following Jesus has its risks. We pray that you may help us to gain the selflessness, the strength, the perseverance, the resilience and the courage we need to follow Jesus and surrender ourselves to Him.


St. Apollinaris pray for us

St. Joseph pray for us

May we continue to strengthen our journey to sainthood and keep others in our prayers.


Works cited:

Information (read from, not taken):

Franciscan media. “Saint Apollinaris. ”Saint Apollinaris | Franciscan Media. Accessed July 17, 2021.


Saint Apollinaris. July 17, 2021.Saint Apollinaris - Google Search.

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