St. Colette of Corbie
On January 13, 1381 in the town of Corbie, France, St. Colette was born. St. Colette’s mother had prayed for many years for the grace to be able to have a child and had St. Colette when she was around the age of 60. St. Colette was baptized Nicolette. Ever since a young age St. Colette would spend much of her time in prayer, serving others, and she would sacrifice a lot for others and for God. St. Colette had a very close relationship to God and she would pray a lot, she would usually pray for other people asking God if he could console people and comfort them. St. Colette became an orphan at the age of 17, and during that time she gave all that she had to the poor and vulnerable. St. Colette decided to become a Franciscan tertiary and lived for a while in a cell as a Solitary, the cell she was in only had one window to let in light. St. Colette spent most of her time in the cell in prayer and deep penance. St. Colette was a very wise and humble person, and she left her cell in response from a calling she had received from God which was to reform the Poor Clares. St. Colette had the support and approval from the pope, and was given orders to reform the order which lead to St. Colette being appointed as Superior of all of the convents that she had reformed. St. Colette encountered a lot of challenges but she continued to work hard due to God's guidance and comfort. St. Colette founded seventeen monasteries and reintroduced the rule of St. Clare. St. Colette also, reformed other monasteries as well. St. Colette's sisters are known for living a life of poverty, sacrifice and for their perpetual fasting. St. Colette had experienced many visions of the passion and she is said to have also prophesied her death in her convent which was in Ghent, Belgium.
Saint Colette's feast day is celebrated on March 6th, and she is the patron saint of sick children and expecting mothers.
Prayer to St. Colette:
St. Colette, help us to strengthen our relationship with Christ, help us to gain the wisdom to understand the importance of being humble to others and also to the Lord. Intercede that we may be able to humbly open our hearts to Christ so that we may be able to find out what he is calling us to do, so we may be able to serve him and spread his love to others. Help us to find strength in prayer when we face times of trials or temptations and help us to be willing to accept God’s will no matter what it may be. Help us to be willing to serve others before ourselves so that we may live a life that is close to Christ and do his will.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Works cited:
Information (read from, not taken):
Catholic Online. “St. Colette.” Saints and Angels. 2021. St. Colette - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Accessed 6 March 2021.
Catholic Fire. St. Colette of Corbie. 6 March 2021.
St. Pat’s youth speak. 6 March 2021.