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St. Ignatius of Laconi


Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Ignatius. St. Ignatius was born into a poor farming family in Laconi, Italy. St. Ignatius was born on December 17, 1701. When St. Ignatius was around the age of seventeen, he got a very severe illness. St. Ignatius made a promise and he promised that he would become Franciscan if he could get better. However once the illness had left his body, his father was able to convince him to wait.

Eventually after a couple of years had passed, St. Ignatius was almost killed when he had lost control of his horse. After a while, his horse had suddenly stopped and ran off quietly. St. Ignatius was fully convinced that God had saved his life. St. Ignatius made up his mind and decided to follow his religious vocation right away.

When St. Ignatius became a brother he never received any important position during his time with the Franciscan order. During a fifteen year period St. Ignatius worked in a weaving shed. Then later on over the course of a forty year period, St. Ignatius became part of the team that would go out from house to house. They would request food and other things in order to support the friars.

St. Ignatius would visit families and he would receive their gifts. However, the people eventually realized that they would receive a gift in return. St. Ignatius would console the sick and he would cheer up all the lonely. St. Ignatius would make peace between many enemies, he converted people who had been hardened by sin and he would advise those in trouble. Eventually, people would begin to wait for his visits.

However, even though many people waited for his visits, once in a while, some doors would get slammed in his face, and sometimes the weather was awful to walk in. However, even through all of the issues and trials, St. Ignatius remained dedicated. St. Ignatius would always skip one house. The owner of the house was a rich moneylender. The owner would always make the poor pay back much more than they were actually able to afford. Due to the fact that St. Ignatius would skip his house and not ask for donations, the owner began to feel humiliated. The owner eventually decided to complain to St. Ignatius' superior. St. Ignatius’ superior did not know about the moneylender so he decided to send St. Ignatius to his home. St. Ignatius obeyed immediately. When St. Ignatius returned, he returned with a large sack of food. However, God worked a very powerful miracle. When the sack had been emptied, blood started to drip out. "This is the blood of the poor," St. Ignatius explained softly. "That is why I never ask for anything at that house." After This had occurred the friars began to pray that the moneylender would repent.

St. Ignatius passed away at the age of 80, on May 11, 1781. St. Ignatius was proclaimed a saint by Pope Pius XII during the year 1951. St. Ignatius’ feast day is celebrated on May 11.

Prayer to St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius help us to help the poor and vulnerable so that through our charity and love they may be strengthened both physically and spiritually. St. Ignatius help the poor and vulnerable get all the help they need in order for them to be able to protect and preserve their human dignity and their lives. Help us serve the poor and vulnerable before we serve ourselves, help us remember that it is through serving the poor and vulnerable that we serve Christ.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord and Mary Our Mother in Heaven


St. Ignatius pray for us

St. Joseph pray for us

May we continue to strengthen our journey to sainthood and keep others in our prayers.


Works Cited

Information (read from, not taken):

Catholic Online. "Saint Ignatius Laconi. ”St. Ignatius of Laconi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online. Accessed 11, May 2021.


St. Ignatius Laconi. May 11, 2021. st. ignatius laconi - Google Search.

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Carlos Aguilar
Carlos Aguilar
May 11, 2021

Que linda historia. Que inconvincente de que después de siglos los ricos siguen siendo ricos por la sangre de los pobres. Pero siempre Dios permite que podamos hacer algo dia a dia. Que historia más real y actual después de más de 3 siglos.

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